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Sunday, April 19, 2009

'Connect the Parks' Master Plan, Jersey City, United States

Jersey City waterfront park unveiled
The Jersey City Waterfront Parks Conservancy has unveiled a new park design that is to transform and connect two major parcels of parkland on the Hudson River. A joint effort by landscape architect Starr Whitehouse with nARCHITECTS, the proposed concept, dubbed “Connect the Parks” calls for the restoration of the rapidly eroding parcels and linking them with an “Infinity Bridge” that will allow for a continuous walkway to be created between Exchange Place and the Liberty Harbor area.

The plan also includes gardens, a slide mound, swings, water features and a dog run. To promote nature and our children’s interaction with the natural world, a floating aquatic vegetative island promoting aquatic life, a wet meadow and several points of access to the waters edge are also featured in the plan. In place of the corrugated steel bulkheading used to the north and south of the park, this conceptual master plan incorporates a cost effective, visually appealing and less obtrusive means of erosion control, via a natural protection system. Finally, two pavilions will provide family gathering areas, seating, a comfort station and a venue for events such as concerts or puppet shows.

The plan is the result of community input collected during earlier surveys and community meetings.

Sharon McHugh
US Correspondent
architecture NOW

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