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Saturday, June 21, 2008

Straume mixed-use development, Straume, Norway

schmidt hammer lassen architects win masterplan competition for Bergen mixed-use development
Straume Sjøfront, near Bergen in Norway, is a dense, contemporary urban development spread across three new islands and comprising residential, business, and hotel facilities in addition to a harbour where visitors can moor their boats.

The new development is situated at the foot of Straume's steep cliffs, placing it right out in Straume Sound and marking a clear boundary between the mountains and the water.

The Norwegian jury were impressed by the way in which the practice’s design for Straume Sjøfront responds so imaginatively to its location creating a distinctive new community between water and mountainside

The proposal include plans for an intimate canalside milieu situated in the area between the cliffs and the main development. Water is a key theme in the development: the three individual islands are separated by canals which give each of them an individual character.

The unusual location and the masterplan combine to create a rare development in which a dense urban setting sits directly alongside a sweeping natural environment. The plans include a mixture of residential properties of various designs and scales, fostering a diverse architectural and social environment.

schmidt hammer lassen architects share first prize in the competition with the Norwegian architectural practice HLM architects.
architecture NOW

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