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Friday, August 21, 2009

Zaha Hadid Burnham Pavilion, Chicago, United States

Latest images show why Zaha's Burnham Pavilion was two months late
Almost two months after the structure was set to open in Millennium Park, Chicago, Zaha Hadid's Burnham Pavilion was opened to the public on 5 August. While the skeleton was erected in time for the opening of the twin pavilion by Ben van Berkel in June, it lay bare initially for inspection before being hidden to the public while its stretched skin was perfected.

Designed as one of two pavilions to celebrate the centenary of Daniel Burnham's Chicago Plan which outlined the structure of the city, visitors are now able to experience the ambiance within. The structure plays host to a sound and video installation by artist Thomas Gray that portrays Chicago’s transformation from past to future, projected onto the sides of the projects white interior. The pavilion is constructed of an aluminium skeleton frame with tightly stretched material which form a cocoon. These images show the pavilion becomes a beacon at night with coloured lights carefully installed to highlight the structure. If you are interested in learning more about the construction of the pavilion, 'Talks with the team' are held every other Wednesday (starting last week) where structural engineer Chris Rockey will discuss the design from 5.30 pm.

architecture NOW

1 komentar:

Anonymous said...

Ah, the wonders of architecture! It's an amazing structure highlighted by the beautiful blue light.
